Green2 100% Tree Free multi-purpose copy paper is made from a combination of Sugar Cane Husks and Bamboo Grass designed to help sustain the Earth’s natural resources.
In addition to being Tree Free, Sugar Cane Husk is degradable and compostable with renewable cycles in as little as 12 months and an ideal choice for sustainability.
900 million trees are cut down annually for paper production. Green2 100% Tree Free copy paper is made by recycling agricultural waste.
Tree Free Copy Paper Reduces Carbon Footprint
Tree Free copy paper is used in offices and households worldwide. Sugar cane husk is one of the most popular agricultural products used for alternative paper production. Sugar cane can take as little as 12 months to recover its full growth. Therefore, it is ideal for environmental sustainability products.
Sustainable Paper Options for Commercial Business
Commercial businesses are excited about Tree Free paper. It is environmentally sustainable and contributes toward their companies green initiatives. The achievement of these corporate goals translates into good marketing and PR in the media. Companies with Sustainability Action Plans can utilize Tree Free copy paper as proof of business efficiency. Many corporations have taken upon themselves to reduce costs and waste by up to 10 percent per annum. Tree Free paper is not only sustainable but affordable for this business plan.
Tree Free Multi-Purpose Copy Paper offers an affordable alternative to traditional virgin wood and recycled content solutions. Solutions such as these are long over due and provide unsurpassed quality and value, but are also good for the earth, good for you, and good for your wallet. More importantly, they are biodegradable and Tree Free making them the perfect office product for the environmentally-conscious consumer.
Tree-less Copy Paper and Tree Free Copy Paper are Synonymous.
They are the same, however, there may be some variations in how they are made. We use only bamboo and sugar cane. Some manufacturers use straw composite and others may use raw materials with a percentage of recycled tree made paper.
Most consumers feel good about the environment when they buy recycled. But recycled paper is mostly made from trees, hence, the further cultivation of virgin tree pulp. Recycled waste paper is not a good source of tree free paper because the vast majority of “recycled waste paper” originally started its life cycle from tree grown pulp.
Find Out More About Tree Free Copy Paper
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Tree Free Copy Paper for a Sustainable Future.
Your business has committed to a sustainable initiative. Let True Green help you achieve your green goals with our Green2 tree free copy paper. With our revolutionary Tree Free paper material called Green2 (Green Squared) we can help you build a green business. Think about the impact your business has on the environment. Think of the things you could do to reduce paper waste. That’s easy. But, have you thought about what you could really do for a sustainable environment?
What you could do for the world’s forests.
Because you have put the effort in making your business an environmentally sustainable structure, consider all the paper products you use. Are you using these products effectively? What if you could not only use less paper products but harness alternative paper sources? That’s where True Green comes in.
Our tree free copy paper is made from a sugar cane by-product called bagasse. Sugar cane paper helps your business stay green because it replenishes itself every 12 months. If you truly want to make a difference for the environment you need to consider True Green products for your sustainability goals.
Now you can pride yourself on a truly green and environmentally-friendly business!