Our Mission Is About Sustainability!
Our mission is to offer environmentally friendly products to a wide market by making them available with competitive pricing when compared to traditional and other green products. Green² Tree Free paper products are soft, absorbent, affordable, septic, and marine safe, and are whitened with hydrogen peroxide, a natural alternative to bleach.
Green² Tree Free paper products are hypo-Allergenic and contain no dyes, lotions, fragrances, corn, wheat, or glue!
We believe in living responsibly and making a positive impact on our earth through our efforts.
We are dedicated to creating a future for our children by helping sustain our earth’s precious resources.
Tree Free Paper
Green2 Tree Free paper products are made from renewable resources.
We are helping create a greener world for this generation and generations to come. We believe in the power of ingenuity, the ingenuity to use alternative resources to make better products. We are the world’s leading producer of tree-free paper products. Each year over 900 million trees are harvested for paper alone. Green2 Paper is treeless and is made from quick-growing bamboo grass. No trees were harmed while making these products!
The most environmentally sustainable resource. Green2 Environmentally Friendly Paper Sustainability Products is a line of Tree Free paper products made from bamboo grass. Bamboo grass replenishes at a much faster rate than tree pulp. Bamboo grass can grow as much as three inches in a day. While not found readily on the North American continent, these resources are found abundantly in a few places around the world, namely Asia, Brazil, and India.
How Our Products Can Help Eliminate Deforestation. For hundreds of years, trees have been harvested for their pulp. Areas that were once densely populated with bark and leaves are now laid bare. Trees can take up to 30 years to grow. Be part of the solution by using products made from renewable resources.
True Green Paper Products is an innovative leader, using renewable resources and helping to shape a brighter future for our children. We are committing to the sustainability of our natural resources. We do this by finding the best and most efficient resources to continue paper sustainability through the 21st century. American Forest & Paper Association shows staggering and informative statistics: The total amount of carbon stored in U.S. forests equals 27 times our yearly carbon emissions! If we don’t take care of our planet, who will care for it for us?
Innovation & Sustainability How do you reinvent paper? The answer is as sweet as it is brilliant. Each year over 900 million trees are harvested for paper alone. Green2 is 100% Tree Free paper made from quick-growing bamboo, the most rapidly renewable resource. We didn’t reinvent the softness, strength, or absorbency; our paper products already stack up to those tests.
“What you take from the earth, you must give back. That’s nature’s way. -Chris d’Lacey, The Fire Within
The most recent data from the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Agency shows that the paper industry is the country’s third-largest industrial user of energy.

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